Singing Guide: Oliver Tree

Singing Guide: Oliver Tree

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Analysis

Before learning how to sing like your favorite artist, it is essential to know your voice, and its capabilities. With our vocal range test, you can discover what type of voice you have compared to famous singers. You should also check your pitch accuracy, and our pitch accuracy test will enable you to do it. Once you've got an overview of your voice skills, it's easier to start training in different techniques.

Oliver Tree's Vocal Techniques

Oliver Tree's voice is an exceptional combination of different vocal techniques that are quite different from typical singers. His style is eclectic, so there is no single approach to achieve his sound. However, here are a few techniques that Oliver Tree frequently uses that can help you develop your singing skills:

  • Twang - To sing with a powerful and unique sound, you need to acquire twang. It is a resonating sound that creates a metallic tone by narrowing and elongating the pharynx. You can develop twang by using the How to Twang Exercise provided by Singing Carrots.
  • Heavy modal - This technique is an essential element in Oliver Tree's music style. It's responsible for his unique way of shouting with melody. Learn more about it by reading the Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting article.
  • Belting - This is a combination of twang and mix voice that helps singers sing high notes with intensity. It is a classic technique used in pop music which can be learned through the Mixed Voice video on the Singing Carrots website.

Oliver Tree's Songs

If you want to learn how to sing like Oliver Tree, you should focus on his song catalog. His exceptional vocal delivery is present in every song, providing a broad range of techniques, from shouting to falsetto. Some of Oliver Tree's unique vocal deliveries can be heard in the following songs:

  1. Hurt
  2. All That x Alien Boy
  3. Let Me Down
  4. Cash Machine
  5. Miracle Man

Singing Carrots Resources

Along with Singing Carrots vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and twang exercises, there are several resources you can use to help improve your singing, including:

  • Vocal Pitch Monitor - An innovative tool that visualizes the notes you sing on a virtual piano. Check it out here.
  • Pitch Training - An interactive educational singing game that can improve your pitch accuracy. Join it here.
  • Search songs - With a vast library of songs online, Singing Carrots offers you a comfortable browsing experience, making it easier to find the songs that match your vocal range. Try searching here.
  • Singing courses - A complete singing course designed for beginners. The educational program covers singing theory and practical tips for improving your vocal delivery. Take the free course here.

In conclusion, Oliver Tree's alternative style incorporates twang, heavy modal, mix voice, shouting, and falsetto techniques. To learn how to sing like Oliver Tree, you should focus on acquiring these vocal skills. Singing Carrots offers various resources that can be used to improve your vocal skills and help you develop these techniques, along with various courses and exercises for developing vocal range and support. Through determination and practice, you can embody the voice and energy of Oliver Tree!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.